What We Stand For
Mission Statement
To establish a community of people who believe that Victory is for them and passionately pursue it together.
Vision and Values
Our vision has always been based on seeing people living in victory.
Here are some of our core values:
- 1.
Disciple others to live in the Victory of Eternal Life by knowing God (John 17:3) and to experience salvation the way Christ intended:Saved,Healed, Delivered, Prospered living abundantly in Christ.– John 10:9- 10; Romans 12:2.
- 2.
To accomplish this we utilize praise and worship, teaching, preaching, mentoring, exercising the supernatural gifts of healing, words of knowledge, prophecy, etc.
- 3.
Demonstrate and Advance the Kingdom of heaven in the 7 Spheres of influence– Through Signs, Wonders, Miracles and discipleship and leadership training. Matthew 10:8; Romans 12:2
- 4.
Provide a safe place for the Holy Spirit to move freely and all people to encounter the love of God through worship and the exercise of the Spiritual Gifts
- 5.
Maintain a culture of love and honor for each other, the spirit of unity and the bond of peace both inside of Victory Center and outside with the greater Church of Madison– John 13:35
- 6.
Revival – Local, Regional and Global